

Specialized Programs


IUI Treatment

Kivicare offers the best IUI treatment and is best hospital for infertility treatments.

Embryo Treatment

Kivicare offers the best Embryo treatment and is best hospital for infertility treatments.

IVF Treatment

IVF treatment helps with fertilization, embryo development, and implantation.

Oocyte fertility

Kivicare offers hope with its Oocyte fertility service to those who want to postpone motherhood.

About KiviCare

Welcome to The Most Advanced and Trusted Parenthood Clinic

Kivicare offers the best scientifically proven ways by enhancing and celebrating your parenthood journey.

  • Treats minor illnesses
  • Answers health questions
  • Conducts health checkups
  • Specialty physicians

Fertility Center

1234 North Avenue Luke Lane, South Bend, IN 360001

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  • +0123456789
Kivicare Services

Fertility Services

We at Kivicare IVF offer world-class solutions in fertility treatments with the help of advanced tools and the experience of pioneer gynecologists team.

Fertility Counseling

To make this journey smooth, all Kivicare centres have qualified and dedicated counsellors on board.


Kivicare offers Embryoscope that can be used with any type of patient undergoing an assisted reproduction treatment.

IUI Treatment

Kivicare doctors offer IUI treatment for some couples who don't have any apparent cause for infertility.

Sperm Retrieval

Our specialized fertility experts suggests patients to cryopreserve sperm during this procedure for future IVF/ICSI.

Our Services

75 +

Specialized Dr.

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150 +


250 +

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are active to help you!

Our doctors
Kivicare Testimonial

What our patients say
about our treatment

On behalf of my wife, who was a patient in your hospital, I humbly submit my sincere gratitude to the management and staff of your Hospital, especially to your outstanding nurses and PCAs. They have been outstandingly helpful and provided a high quality of service, care and comfort to my wife. Thank you.

Mohit Jain

By the grace of GOD, I m fine and can walk and run freely after the incident in the month of August 2020. Thanks a lot doctor, I will suggest all of my loved ones to trust you.

Vandana Joshi

  I am writing to express my gratitude from my family for the care given to my mother. In the ICU, there was care, compassion, and respect. 

Aashika Sharma

I recently found myself under your care for a joint replacement issue. While there, accompanied by my wife, we found that the entire staff at your hospital was exceedingly professional and efficient, from your E.R. receptionists to the care team. You should be proud of your outstanding staff and service.

Arpita Gupta

I was recently cared for at Anjaneya Ortho and Gynaec Care following a road Accident. I just wanted to say a few words about the exceptional care I received.

Jay Singh

My wife and I were recently heading to Florida. While on the jetway, my wife told me that she wasn’t feeling well and didn’t think we should get on the plane. 

Karthik Verma

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